Bianca Odumegwu Ojukwu has shared a video showing clearly the incident that happened between her and Mrs Ebelechukwu Obiano, during the swearing-in ceremony of Professor Charles Soludo as Governor of Anambra State on Thursday, March 17, 2022.
From the video, Obiano’s wife can be seen bushing Bianca’s head and calling her a bitch. Bianca in reaction then landed the wife of the immediate past governor of the state a hot slap.
Accompanying the video Bianca wrote below:
Monday Musings (Lessons for life)
The Alder Code says…
“Staying silent, impotent and feeble in the face of Tyranny and Intimidation is like a slow growing cancer to the soul, and a trait of a true coward. There is nothing intelligent about not standing up for yourself…only trees wait helplessly to be felled. The most insidious fear is that which masquerades as caution, yet paralyses the human spirit and propagated by purveyors of passivity and lame sophistication who have nothing other than lame sympathy to offer after the meek are mauled,…yet this fact is sure….Any act or series of acts conducted in the public space or otherwise, and craftily calculated to intimidate and humiliate the individual; to threaten the intrinsic worth of that person and to diminish that person’s will or prestige remains nothing other than the raw exercise of power in the form of Bullying. Your dignity may be assaulted but it can never be taken away unless you surrender it by passivity. You may not win every battle in life but the world will at least know what you stood for….YOU “ ( S. Alder)
I stand with Alder. Dignity is a human right, and bullying in any form is not an entitlement, a rite of passage or an executive privilege. It must not be condoned or tolerated in any form. The future does not belong to the
fainthearted….it belongs to the bold.
Iyom Bianca Odumegwu-Ojukwu
Monday 11 April 2022.